Collection: DRIVERS
DE1000X | 2500W MAX. | 8Ω
Our DE1000X driver is one of our most powerful drivers. It has extraordinary performance and outstanding power handling capacity.Its 2...
$150.00 USD $249.75 USD$150.00 USD$150.00 USD $249.75 USD -
DR95TC | 1650W MAX | 8 Ohms
Exit Throat Diameter 2''/50.8mm Nominal impedance 8Ω Program Power 1650 Watts Rated AES Power Handling (RMS) 825 Watts Sensitivity (1w/1m) Frequency Response ...
$79.00 USD $121.68 USD$79.00 USD$79.00 USD $121.68 USD -
DRLA-350TI | 1000W MAX | 8 Ohms
Exit Throat Diameter 0.25''/6.35mm Nominal impedance 8Ω Program Power 1000 Watts Rated AES Power Handling (RMS) 500 Watts Sensitivity (1w/1m) 100 dB...
$45.00 USD $76.98 USD$45.00 USD$45.00 USD $76.98 USD -
J-D350 JBL Selenium Horn Driver
JBL / Selenium D350 2" Phenolic Compression Bolt-On Driver 8 ohm 400W JBL launches two new compression drivers, who will...
$115.00 USD $149.00 USD$115.00 USD$115.00 USD $149.00 USD -
JBL / Selenium - D305 Phenolic Compression 2" Bolt-On Driver 8ohm
Original JBL / Selenium - D305 Phenolic Compression 2" Bolt-On Driver 8-ohm Driver X Horn Connection 2" (50 mm) exit compression...
$74.50 USD $139.99 USD$74.50 USD$74.50 USD $139.99 USD -
JBL / Selenium D405 Trio Super 2" Exit Phenolic Driver 300 Watts 8-Ohms
JBL D405 Trio 150W RMS (300 Watts) Phenolic Driver 8 Ohms 2" Exit The Driver D405 Trio is distinguished,...
$132.00 USD $219.00 USD$132.00 USD$132.00 USD $219.00 USD -
JBL D405 TRIO-X High Compression Phenolic Midrange Driver 160-Watt RMS 8-ohm
JBL D405 TRIO-X High Compression Phenolic Midrange Driver110-Watt RMS / 160-Watt RMS 8-ohm.The D405 TRIO-X is a phenolic diaphragm compression...
$129.50 USD $249.99 USD$129.50 USD$129.50 USD $249.99 USD -
JBL D450 Ti Trio Titanium - 300 Watts RMS Driver
About the item: The package length is 14.4 centimeters The package height is 29.4 centimeters The package width is 24.7...
$139.95 USD $264.00 USD$139.95 USD$139.95 USD $264.00 USD -
JBL D450 Trio Seleniun Series 4" 300W RMS (600W Peak Power Handling) 8 Ohms Phenolic Driver
JBL D450 Trio Seleniun Series 4" 300W RMS (600W Peak Power Handling) 8 Ohms Phenolic Driver We are a JBL...
$139.95 USD $299.95 USD$139.95 USD$139.95 USD $299.95 USD -
JBL Selenium D360 PRO Phenolic 2" 125 Watts RMS Driver
The phenolic dome diaphragm ensures efficiency and sound with low distortion, and the coil made of wire resistant to high...
$85.00 USD $149.99 USD$85.00 USD$85.00 USD $149.99 USD -
META-715TI-BK | 1250W MAX | 8 Ohms
Exit Throat Diameter 2''/50.8mm Nominal impedance 8Ω Program Power 1250 Watts Rated AES Power Handling (RMS) 625 Watts Sensitivity (1w/1m)...
$58.00 USD $100.12 USD$58.00 USD$58.00 USD $100.12 USD -
PRV AUDIO D3220Ti-Nd 2" Exit Titanium Neodymium 300 Watts Pro Audio Compression Driver 3"
nnovative technology for 3 inch compression drivers, featuring Powerful neodymium motor for minimal size and weight, allows you to keep...
$115.00 USD $139.91 USD$115.00 USD$115.00 USD $139.91 USD